Here is some information on emergency situations concerning Mozambique:
Climate change in Southern Africa
Mozambique is one of the most vulnerable countries to climate change in Africa. It is the 35th most vulnerable country and the 24th least prepared, not ready to face the effects of climate change. Poverty, weak institutional development and frequent extreme weather events place the country in an extremely vulnerable position (Protection Cluster & UNHCR, 2022);
In recent years, Mozambique has been hit by different emergency situations such as droughts, floods and cyclones. Of these, in the context of climate change and disasters, cyclones have been increasing in intensity and frequency, hitting mainly central Mozambique. Cyclones that used to happen over years are now happening on an annual basis, causing displacement and disruption of livelihoods of the population (Protection Cluster & UNHCR, 2022).
Natural disasters Mozambique - emergency situations
These cyclones caused a lot of damage in different sectors and to this day there are many houses and public infrastructure, such as schools, in Sofala Province that are still to be rehabilitated;
Cyclone Idai (2019) and Eloise (2021) caused severe damage to our mechanized agricultural field in Estaquinha, rendering it inoperable and preventing us from producing food for the boarding schools;
Cyclone Idai, which occurred on 15 March 2019, was of magnitude 4.7 (on a scale with a maximum of 5), causing the most damage and deaths in Sofala Province (403 deaths in Sofala Province, and more than 600 in the whole country) ["Report of the Monitoring of Humanitarian Aid to victims of Cyclone Idai in Sofala Province" - Centre for Public Integrity (CIP) using data from INGD, 2019];
212,000 people affected by cyclone Eloise. Disaster consequences: 319 classrooms destroyed, affecting about 10,000 students and 190 teachers; 78,000 peasant families saw their crops flooded, with a damaged area corresponding to 67% of what was planted causing food insecurity and hunger (Mozambique data from INGD, 2021).
Armed attacks
Orphans in Mozambique: an estimated 400 children were orphaned in shootings and abductions due to the political-military conflicts that ravaged central Mozambique between 2013 and 2021 (DW Africa, 29/03/2022).