Education for development

Since our foundation, we have embraced the challenge of facilitating access to quality education in the south of Sofala Province communities, where we operate.

This challenge is a priority in our work, knowing that education is the basis of all development and the guarantee for a better future for everyone, for the communities, Mozambique and the world (education for development).

In our four development centers in the rural areas, we have: 

Schools of agriculture (Machanga and Estaquinha)

31 literacy centres in the surrounding communities (attendees 60% women)

Raising the level of education to grade 12 in Barada, Estaquinha, Mangunde and Machanga, was a great achievement that opens the door to further studies in disadvantaged, rural and vulnerable areas.

Also, as an education non profit organization, we have included parents and guardians, school councils and communities in the awareness raising and educational processes so that the impacts and improvement of the quality of education are greater.

Inclusive education and integrated education, including children and young people with disabilities in our schools, and promoting girls’ access to school, are also our priorities. We raise awareness among parents and communities to value sustainable educational development and access to education for ALL.

education for development
schools of agriculture

Boarding schools – key factor on education for development

Access to quality education

The boarding schools were set up to welcome pupils from remote areas and give them access to quality education. ESMABAMA grants scholarships to the most disadvantaged and exempts tuition fees in boarding schools in order to combat the high rates of rural illiteracy and provide access to education and a future.

Schooling in rural areas

Schools in Mozambique are organized into complete Primary Schools, which teach from 1st to 7th grade, from 2023 1st to 6th grade, and Secondary Schools, which teach from 8th to 12th grade, from 2023 7th to 12th grade. In the southern Sofala Province of Mozambique, there are not enough schools for all children, especially from grade 8 and above, and many children are many kilometers away from schools or drop out for various reasons. Primary schools are predominant, but the further one progresses in his/her studies, the further away the schools become.

Opportunity to access education

For example, regarding Secondary Education, Machanga district has only 2 Secondary Schools. There are cases where pupils live more than 200 km away from a Secondary School. For this reason, it is common for many pupils to drop out of school after completing the 7th grade. The boarding schools run by ESMABAMA are, for many, the only existing opportunity for access to education. Students without the opportunity to enroll in boarding schools end up abandoning school.

Literacy Centres

Many of our literacy centres in remote rural communities are far from the main access roads, many hours from the first village, where, in fact, “no one has come before”. They are a new opportunity for everyone to access education, where the prevalence of illiteracy is still considerable.

The majority of pupils are adults, mostly women. However, in some centers we also find children of school age, who would have to walk several kilometers to reach a school. So, everyone has the opportunity to have access to education, a new chance to learn to read and write. Each center is open for at least a two-year cycle. At the end, students receive a diploma equivalent to the 5th grade.

In the literacy centres, as a transversal content, life skills such as agro-livestock, savings, knowledge to set up and run small businesses are also learnt and topics such as health, sexual and reproductive health are discussed. These centers have been operating since 1998.

Schools of agriculture - education for development

Technical agrarian education

Recognizing the importance of technical and vocational training in Mozambique, ESMABAMA has invested in schools of agriculture, centres of agricultural education and training. These schools for agriculture have been strengthening the technical agrarian education over the years. At first these were named Rural Family Schools, today Middle Agrarian Institutes.
The teaching methodology of these schools (Institutes) is designed to enable students to develop technical knowledge and skills.

For the communities

This knowledge is disseminated by the surrounding communities and the communities where the students live, promoting sustainable educational development. Due to the students carrying out practical work in the communities and within their families for several weeks. Learning in schools and communities is carried out with the support of qualified teachers and technicians. At the end of the three levels of study, it is intended that the students leave with a diploma equivalent to the 12th grade.

Base for survival

According to the 2017 census, 66.6% of Mozambican families live in rural areas, with the majority working in agricultural production, for self-consumption or for selling. Their own agricultural production is the basis of survival for many.

Cross cutting issues in education – education Mozambique

Importance of cross cutting issues in education, on education for development: in our project work in education, our target audiences are made aware of various health issues, such as hygiene and disease prevention. AIDS and tuberculosis, COVID-19 and malaria are among many others. Citizenship and life skills development issues are also frequently addressed such as gender-based violence, agriculture, children’s rights or disability.